
2011年7月21日 星期四





途中,心中隱隱泛起一想法: El Zorro, 你休想你的照片拍得有博樂, 小齊等人一半的漂亮,若有幾分她們的影子,可當是不枉此行了!故極望能見到仙境般的綺麗景緻,將易一點不會見笑於部落格朋友。












12 則留言:

  1. Good morning, my dear old friend!  ...You give us a surprise indeed!  ...Fascinating and charming photos!!!  ...Waiting for your photo-exhibition in Hong Kong... ..."The beauty of nature...       Beauty in the eyes of man ,          Of  love and admiration,           Nature waiting for you..." 

    [版主回覆07/22/2011 06:39:00]Why wait for my exhibition? You'll probably have to wait a decade or
    more. A total impossibility! Why don't you go out and start looking at
    the much more fascinating exhibition of Nature herself in the far from
    shy display of her own charms and intricate beauty.

  2. 繡球花好靚...
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 08:26:00]謝謝欣賞,功夫總算沒全部泡湯!

  3. oohhh...it's so surprised to see the chinese writing when I clicked into your blog...I think I come to the wrong blog....
    I love your 1st few sentences -  以中文寫作,是一字一驚心的冒險之旅。 若少女的初夜,滿腦子幻想,既興奮,亦滿心疑惑和惶恐。
    Also love the purple flower (the one with top shot) -- 20th one
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 09:11:00]Thank you. I hate writing in Chinese. If I have forgotten how a particular character is written, I got to look up what I imagine would be an English word in an English/Chinese dictionary whose explanation is likely to contain the Chinese word that I have in mind. It's so time consuming. Since I do not know how to type Chinese, I got to use EZGo which often does not always produce the word I have in mind because of my poor Chinese scrawl which makes it difficult for the software to recognize it. But you often do not succeed with your first attempt. Then you got to think of another English word likely to have the Chinese word you need as part of its Chinese explanation. Even after you got the word, you better not use any punctuation marks. In the program which I have, , which I think is the latest version, each punctuation must be individually selected and then clicked. You got to repeat the same process everytime you feel you need a punctuation mark.!It therefore takes 3 or 4 times the amount of time for me to write a blog article in Chinese, compared to writing one in English. It is so time-consuming and manually taxing. Thanks for you compliments about my first few Chinese lines and the purple lotus and its reflection on the surface of the pond. I love the purple lotus and its reflection in the water too. So fresh, so colorful, especially with its yellow heart. I also like the image of its reflection in the pond as well. Looks so beautiful to me.

  4. 濕地公園獵影相當不錯吧.  你的攝影構圖很好, 給我很多啟發呢.
    你的中文寫作, 水平相當不錯, 文筆活潑清新有創意, 繼續努力啊. 期望多看到你的中文作品 !
    攝影的世界充滿魅惑, 讓人迷戀. 徘徊往返, 一步一驚喜.  如你所說的, 是讓攝影愛好者流連的魔幻境界啊. 

    [版主回覆07/22/2011 09:58:00]You must be joking! Inspiring 博樂??? I don't think I'll write much in Chinese for the reasons I mentioned in my reply to 藍天. But thank you for your encouragement. You're absolutely right. The world of photography is a world of magic and often of surprising beauty. Once you're into it, it's as if you have suddenly come under a spell from which you will not wish to be woken up!

  5. 驚 ( 當然是驚喜啦 ) 見 Elzorro 中文處女作 , 似新婚少女初夜翌日 , 羞人答答踏出廳堂 , 蓮步輕移 , 婀娜多姿 , 滿堂皆讚 . 寄語 Elzorro 今已作人婦 , 今後仍得勤入廚房多作羹湯以饗家中上下 .
    Elzorro 絕活仍未出齊 , 且拭目以待 .
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 11:50:00]I am surprised too! My understanding is that nowadays, first nights of young ladies usually have very little or even absolutely nothing to do with being someone else's "wife". If so, I fail to see how the question of "making soup" in the kitchen can arise at all! Sorry to disappoint you in that regard, my friend. May I enquire what " 絕活" could you possibly be referring to? For my part, I know of nothing which may remotely answer to that description. Perhaps you are psychic or otherwise have some remote mind reading skills which enables you to know what I can or shall do of which  I am totally unaware? Whatever the case may be, I can assure you that I shall try my best (for heaven's sake, not "breast"!) not to disappoint my readers and fellow bloggers in what I publish.

  6. For you information:
    1)       “ 絕活 ” is a Chinese term mainly used in Mandarin Chinese. It means 最拿手而有特色的本領;絕技 (usually not yet known by others).
    2) Newly wed young lady making soup is an allusion to a poem by 王建《新嫁娘 詞》 : 「 三日入廚下,洗手作羹湯。未諳姑食性,先遣小姑嘗 。 」 It depicts the nervousness of a newly wed young lady who dares not offer the soup to her parents-in-law but lets her husband’s sister try the taste to make sure it is OK for her superior.
    Well, my dear friend, you never know what other hidden talents you might have. Don’t be a bird that could sing but wouldn’t.
    (Please delete the first reply)
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 12:21:00]Reading your reply makes me feel so blessed to have such a learned friend who is always ready to share his erudition with you, and completely "free" too! Please don't pull my leg! I'm not 1/10th as talented as you,( English, Chinese, photography, painting, calligraphy and some other skills best displayed in the privacy of the bedroom etc). I think I have a pretty good idea of what I can or cannot do.

  7. Hahaha…if we go on like this, it will become exchange of flatteries.
    By the way, I begin to worry about your reference to my “skills best displayed in the privacy of the bedroom.” As far as I can remember, we have never been together in a bedroom . Or could it be a slip-of-the-tongue of a Peeping Tom? Seems a scandal is forthcoming.
    [版主回覆07/23/2011 00:03:00]If it were an exchange, I'm quite sure it will be a most unequal exchange, with most of credit on your side, and most of the debit on mine.  I forgot your German and your Japanese! As for "those skills best displayed in the privacy of the bedroom", you betrayed what was on your mind, (not mine) by the tell-tale suggestion of a "scandal".

  8. 失覺!失覺!一向還以為 Elzorro 兄專業律師,精通英、法和西班牙語,活像半個「洋人」。平時深藏不露,蔽帚自珍,今番攪攪新意思,以中文寫blog
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 23:25:00]I really feel quite ashamed. I'm sure I am not worthy of your compliments. I feel ashamed because I wished I really were what you described but am not. I only took up digital photography with a cheapie camera at the end of  April this year. So I really had nothing of interest to show. But I am overwhelmed by your kind words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  9. 圖文俱佳。驚喜!驚艷!但沒有太大的驚奇。(因為覺得老兄有此佳作並非意外)只是天不造美,照片不見艷陽天實在有點美中不足!
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 23:27:00]Yes, I agree that had there been more sun, the colors of the photos would have been much brighter and certainly more gay!

  10. 驚艷下海之作,令人讚佩不已.
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 23:29:00]Whatever 驚艷 you find in my photos is nothing compared to what I find in yours! But thank you none the less for your kind words. I will take that as a spur for my future efforts.


  11. 喜此幅,花與影都好看!
    [版主回覆07/22/2011 23:33:00]I like this photo too! The idea of photographing it occurred to me whilst I was looking at it at one of the ponds at the park. I just took the photo. If you find it beautiful, thank Nature, not me. Nature is the author, not me. I am as surprised as you are that people like my fumbling Chinese! But thank you for your kind words.

  12. That's the danger of lawyers.
    [版主回覆07/23/2011 09:35:00]??? 
