
2011年7月20日 星期三

Gu Cheng( 顧城)'s " Coming Home" (回家)

I had wanted to write a blog on my trip to America. But I got stuck whilst trying to upload some photos into the blog I was writing and couldn't get it right. To take a break, I opened a book in front of me. I just randomly flipped it open. My eyes were met with the words' Coming Home" (回家). It was a poem by Gu Cheng 顧城 (1956-1993), a poem belonging to the school of contemporary Chinese poetry called 朦朧派 or "school of fuzziness". Was I psychic? Whether or not I was, I liked the poem. Here it is, together with my English translation.

回家                                Returning Home


我看見你的手                 I saw your hands

在陽光下遮住眼睛         Shielding your eyes under the sun

我看見你的頭髮              I saw your hair

被小帽遮住                       Covered by a cap

我看見你手投下的影子    I saw the shadows cast by your hands

在笑                                    Laughing

你的小車子放在一邊       Your trolley set apart


你不認識我了                     You no longer know me

我離開你太久                 I was away from you too long


我離開你                               I left you

是因為害怕看你                    Because I was afraid to look at you

我的愛                                     My love

像玻璃                                      Like glass

是因為害怕                              That’s because I was afraid

在臺階上你把手伸給我     You would hold out your hand to me at the

說:胖                                       And said, “Fatty

你要我帶你回家                       You want me to take you home”


在你睡著的時候                        When you were sleeping

我看見你的眼淚                         I saw the tears in your eyes

你手裡握著的白色的花   The white flower you were holding in your

我打過你                                     I hit you

你說是調皮的爹爹                     You said that’s a naughty daddy

你說:胖喜歡我                          You said, “ Fatty likes me”

你什麽都知道                              You knew everything



你不知道我現在多想你               You don’t know how much I miss you

我們隔著大海                               We are separated by an ocean

那海水擁抱著你的小島               The sea water held your tiny island

島上有樹外婆                                The island has grandma trees

和你的玩具                                    And your toys

我多想擁抱你                          How I long to hold you

在黑夜來臨的時候                   When the dark night comes"



我要對你說一句話                      I want to say a word to you

杉,我喜歡你                             Sam, I’m fond of you

這句話是只說給你的                   These words are only for you

沒有人聽見                                 No one hears them

愛你,杉                                     Love you, Sam

我要回家                                     I want to go home

你帶我回家                                 You take me home."


你那麽小                                     You were so small

就知道了                                     And you knew

我會回來                                     I would come back

看你                                             To see you

把你一點一點擧起來                 To hold you up bit by bit

杉,你在陽光裡                         Sam, you were in the sun,

我也在陽光裡                             I was in the sun too.

I like the simplicity of the sentiments, those of an
absentee father for his son. In the poem, "Sam" is supposed to be the first
name of Gu's son and "Fatty" is supposed to be his own nickname. The poem takes the form of Gu's intimate conversation with the son he
missed. The sun will shine on both only when he lifts u
p his son! All the feelings were embodied in the words of the dialogue themselves: the pain of separation, the longing for reunion, the inevitable conflict of domestic discipline, the joy of physical contact ! It is obvious that the poet's feelings towards his own child is a bit convoluted. On the one hand, he loved his son but on the other hand, he could not bear to have his son take away his wife's love for him. That's why he placed his son under the care of a friend after a while.

3 則留言:

  1. Pity that he hacked his wife to death in New Zealand and then killed himself. What a tragic ending for a talent who could have shone much brighter in the poetic circle.
    [版主回覆07/20/2011 21:11:00]Yes. Perhaps he was too sensitive, too impulsive and felt too directly and too deeply. I like his poetry very much. He wrote and behaved too much like an uncontrolled child!

  2. Good morning, my dear old friend!  ...Great poet...and thanks for the introduction! ..."Coming home anytime, anyhow...anyone there?       Home sweet home, sweet dreams of homecoming,        Anytime I'll be on my way home,         Anyhow, I'll be there by her side in time...          Anyone waiting for my return...           There...and yet..."         

  3. Thanks for sharing. Not a bad poem!
    [版主回覆03/31/2012 12:50:30]Yes, Gu is an excellent poet.
