
2013年3月8日 星期五

冰心的「紙船」(Bing Xin's "Paper Boat")














Paper Boat---To Mom
I’d never throw away a scrap of paper without thought

 I’d always hoard it away--
hoard it away

And fold them into a tiny boat, another tiny boat

And throw them into the sea from a ship

Some would be swirled through the ship’s window by winds from the sky  

Some would be drenched by ocean waves, hugging the ship’s bow

I’d never give up and would keep folding

Ever hoping that at least one would drift to whither I would

Mom, if you were to see a tiny white boat in your dream

Don’t be surprised at its senseless presence

It’s folded with tears by your dearest daughter

With pleas to carry back her love and sorrow, through a thousand hills and

ten thousand seas

Bing Xin   tr. El Zorro

It's 8th of March today, a day to celebrate the role of women in this world. Not all women deserve to be honoured however. But I'm sure that the mother of Bing Xin (冰心) (1900-1999) could never be amongst them. Otherwise, Bing Xin wouldn't have written the poem above, which was once included in our high school Chinese language textbook. Bing Xin, a native of Fujian, left for America in the ocean liner "ss Jackson" on 17th August, 1923 and stayed 3 years at Wellesley College for an MA in literature. Wellesley is a famous women's college, where Madam Chiang Kai Shek or Soong Mei Ling and Hilary Clinton also studied. On the ship's journey, she felt homesick, had a fever, dreamt of her mother sitting by her bedside, touching her forehead with one  hand, holding in her other a glass of orange juice with some pills which she begged her to swallow without delay . After she woke up, she wrote the poem. Before she left for America, she already got a BA at Yanjing University from which she graduated in 1923 and after her 3 year stint in America, she returned to teach there until 1936, got married in 1929 to Wu Wenzao, an anthropologist she met in America. For a short while, she taught in Japan, started what has been called "Bingxin Style" as a new literary style and wrote many books for children. She also translated and introduced the poetic works of another famous poet from India,to Chinese readers, Rabindranath Tagore. She writes in a very simple and direct style, but always with sensitivity, a bit like the poetry of Emily Dickinson, .

8 則留言:

  1. 從沒想過把冰心的詩與Emily Dickinson的相比,看來寫作風格確有相同之處。
    [版主回覆03/08/2013 18:46:53]It was immediately apparent to me though.

  2. Excellent translation. It is as touching as the original!
    [版主回覆03/08/2013 18:47:30]Thanks for your encouragement. Bing Xin is moving because she wrote from her heart!

  3. 一片心在玉壺!
    [小鄧子回覆03/09/2013 19:32:59]領教!
    [版主回覆03/09/2013 11:59:19]可能「冰心」 的出處是唐王王昌齡的「芙蓉樓送辛漸」

  4. Your translation of "Paper Boat" is exquisite!A simple poem but very well-read and remembered after 90 years. Thanks for the great job!
    [版主回覆03/09/2013 12:02:35]You're right. Good needn't always means eruidite, complicated and chockfuls of literary allusions as 李商隱's poetry. Thanks for your compliments.

  5. 嘩.. 讀書時讀過.. 冇想過中英對照 .. 利害
    [版主回覆03/09/2013 17:37:10]The world is full of surprises. That's what makes it so interesting ! A world without surprises would probably be a world of inusufferable boredom!

  6. Bing Xin can keep contact with her mum by mobile phone nowadays.
    [版主回覆03/09/2013 23:32:41]Mobile may be instant but precisely because it is instantaneous, there's no time for nurturing deeper feelings.

  7. 欣賞了,無論中譯英英譯中俊羅兄都"洒家",佩服至極。
    [版主回覆03/09/2013 23:33:44]You probably want to lead me to my perdition. But I'll be on guard!

  8. 謝謝 El Zorro 婦女節的獻禮! ~~~~~~~~ 小時候因為從未領略過母愛、 每讀冰心歌頌母親的作品、 總是非常不以為然! ........ 後來長大、 明白的事情多了才完全改觀呢! ~~~~~~~ 冰心是對的!
    [只微回覆03/10/2013 09:17:04]很認同呢!
    [版主回覆03/10/2013 09:05:43]It really depends on the kind of mother we actually have. Children are very sensitive and for that reason, extremely vulnerable. Hence they're extremely sensitive to the quality of the kind of care and concern they receive at the hands of their mother or mother surrogate or their perception of any lack or insufficiency of such. Some are lucky, others less so. Bing Xin was lucky. Hence she was able to exemplify the same in her own life.
