
2010年10月30日 星期六

A Quiz

I have for some time now run some jokes every weekend in this blog. I have just decided that for this week, I am going to do something slightly different. I am going to give you a romantic story with a twist and at the end, I shall give you a quiz. Those who answer it correctly will get a prize. I haven't yet decided what that will be yet. But there will definitely be one. So here it is:

They heard the storm approaching.

They were together in the house. Just the two of them.

 It was a cold, dark, stormy night. The storm had come quickly.

Each time the thunder boomed, he watched her jump and each time she looked across the room she could not help admiring those muscles on his body. She looked into his eyes. He responded. He too was looking into hers. She wished that he would take her in his arms, comfort her and protect her from the storm. She wanted that more than anything....

Suddenly, with a pop, the power went out....She screamed....He raced to the sofa where she was cowering. He didn't hesitate to pull her into his arms.

He knew this was a forbidden union and expected her to pull back. He was surprised when she didn't resist...but instead, clung to him.

The storm raged on....they remained locked to each other. The room was silent but for the sound of the pelting rain outside and the heavy breathing inside. With each clap of  thunder, they clasped to each other even tighter. He felt the warmth of her soft body. It felt so good. 

What they were doing was not something they would do everyday. The thought that they could be doing what they were doing has never entered their mind before then but....They also knew that perhaps their families would never understand...So consumed were they in doing what they were doing that they did not even notice that a key was  turning the lock to the rear entrance to the house just next to the garage. .... There was a faint click of a camera. They  realized to their horror that their photograph had been taken. They bolted apart. But it was too late...


18 則留言:

  1. You only mentioned a faint click without mentioning a flash. So, what the camera might have captured was just total darkness.
    [版主回覆10/30/2010 13:40:00]You can assume that there is a flash!

  2. Thank you so much my mentor! I appreciate your advice. I've just finished the uniform test. And I think I did quite well in Pure Math but not for the others. I always got failed in Chinese culture. But I always got high marks in writing paper. After I did the paper, however, I felt scared. I lost my way. I wasn't sure what I wrote then. I supposed that I wrote a wrong structure and tone. At the outset, I thought that I would do better in Physics but not after I saw the paper.
    [版主回覆10/30/2010 19:17:00]I'm glad to know that you always got high marks in your writing paper. Writing is a form of thinking. It's thinking aloud in visible form. So if you got high marks in writing, that means you are good at thinking. Pure maths is for people with a logical mind. That confirms my inference about your ability to think. But no matter whether we did well or badly in exams or tests, after the event, we should not worry about them any more. No amount of worrying will add or reduce a single mark more or less! Concentrate on something else rather more useful and constructive. I'm glad you found what I wrote not complete rubbish. I'm sure you'll have a great future because you got a curious mind.

  3. What will be will be... is the answer !  " Guilty,    Universal sin of lust and sex,     It will consume our wholeness,      Leaving nothing behind for us to remember,       Terminates our desire for more, and more guilt...        Yet, guilty is always there waiting for us to capture..." Good evening, my dear old friend ! You're really a wise man ! 

    [版主回覆10/30/2010 19:25:00]Yours is a possible answer. But it's something rather more definite! Sorry buddy!

  4. A cat and a dog.
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 08:13:00]Nearly right. If you answered as Superman, it would have been near perfect. The dog was male and the cat female and both were on the same sofa. But it's a good joke! I didn't get it until I looked at the photo! Very clever! But I modified it a bit.

  5. I should really admit that I'm not a good thinker anymore. Only after I found that I always got low marks for context. Or after I found myself too stupid to think of some new ideas, or I should say no creativity found in the papers of my good pieces. I sometimes, or always, think that I, maybe, am a stupid nor innocent girl that it always was blank when thinking for some outstanding points. And the most important thing is that I always lost my temper easily. Yes, I'm not good at EQ either. None of my thousand billion brain cells is good enough for me to think critically, independently, creatively and maturely. And those are elemental brain cells of the wisdom.
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 10:20:00]
    We all born with certain innate abilities. We owe it to ourselves to develop them. Our educators start out with some good ideas. But somehow in the process, for the sake of "justice" "equality" and "ease of adminstrative control", the bureaucrats step in to mechanicalize, standardize, and equalize and level down individual differences and we are taught to "conform". We are encouraged to memorize model answers and to think along conventional ways. In that unthinking  process, we lose our natural curiosity and our natural courage to explore things for ourselves, our natural appetite for creative thinking and to go our own ways.
    We must learn to survive in such unpromising environment with cunning and with will so that we may retain a little of that freedom which should be our birthright. Only in freedom shall we find our "true" selves. Try always to stay cool, calm, serene because only then will our mind remain flexible and open to any slight changes in our environment, external and internal. Only then will good ideas, creative ideas come to you. 
    Learning to think critically, independently, creatively is like learning to ride a bicycle. You must first of all, learn to trust in your own ability not to fall and to learn that even if you were to fall, to make light of the consequences of the fall. If I fall, so what? I get up, I try again, coolly, calmly, serenely and persistently until I can ride the bicycle and enjoy the freedom of its movement with grace and with balance. That's all. I concentrate on what needs to be done. One step at a time. Don't be greedy. One step at a time. But you must never stop. If you don't stop, you will often surprise yourself how much distance you will have covered compared to some more "clever" guy who takes several bounds and then rests. Remember the story of the rabbit and the tortoise. Who is the last winner?  
    So never denigrate yourself. That is the worst crime you can commit against yourself. Always have faith in yourself and never stop learning.

  6. I should be ashamed to point it out.
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 08:07:00]Don't be ashamed. I thought as you did when I first read it until I saw the photo! But now I only got the printout. So I cannot reproduce the original photo of a cat clinging to a bull dog on a sofa.

  7. I think both of them are shaking together and tears are running from their faces ...
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 08:17:00]That's typical of 葉子. Always full of feelings! That's a possible scenario too, according to the text but that's not what I had in mind! Sorry!


    萬聖節快樂 ~~
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 08:18:00]Thank you and a very good morning to you. The sun is out! Beautiful blue sky too. Profit from it!

  9. A male dog an a female cat.
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 07:47:00]Bingo.
    Here's your prize; another joke.
    Prompted by the swaying motion of her mother's breasts above the dinner table whilst she was trying to tackle a difficult steak, the kid suddenly burst out with a question," Dad, how many kinds of breasts are there?"
    Quickly recovering from his surprise, Dad replied," Son, I don't really know. But I should think at least three. In her 20s, a woman's breast is like a small pomelo, round and firm; in her 30s and 40s, it's like a pear, still beautiful but drooping a bit but once over 50, it's like an onion."
    "Yes, they bring tears to your eyes."
    Obviously displeased, Mom turned to the kid, "Son, you want to know about the male thing too?"
    "In their 20s, it's like an oak tree, strong and firm. In its 30s and 40s, it's like a birch, a bit less firm but still reliable but once over 50, it's like a Christmas tree."
    "Christmas tree?"
    "Yes, everything above its roots is dead and the balls are there for decoration only!"

  10. Thank you elzorro for the thoughtful prize. Great joke and enjoyed it!
    Wow, so I've got it right. But I must confess that I got the hint from
    亞執 兄 reading his reply although I took it one step further. So to be fair,   the prize should be shared with 亞執 兄 .

  11. 早晨.. elzorro 今晚會去玩嗎 ? 黎睇下香港的大樹呢  
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 09:13:00]You mean oak, fir or Christmas tree? Joking of course! Will you?

  12. 多謝 elzorro 成日提點隻熊呢. 請你食呢
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 13:25:00]What else can an elderly man do? We don't want those younger than ourselves to repeat our own mistakes. That'd at least give some value to our own!
    The chocolate roll looks so delicious! How I wish it were not just certain flickers on the screen vibrating at certain frequencies! Thanks for the thought! The images in our brain cannot tell the difference!

  13. I thought as you did ...
    What did I do?
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 13:56:00]I don't think I need to labor on the obvious!

  14. You were talking about perserverance, right? I should also admit that I used to be the rabit. I thought that I was the 'clever' rabit that I stopped for more or less a long time before I continued walking again.
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 14:01:00]Doen't matter whether you were a rabbit or a tortoise in the past. What's important is the present. If you can be a persistent or in your lingo  a "persevering" rabbit, that'd be even better. Just keep going. Don't ever stop. If I may use an old adage, "Time and tide wait for no man". Keep that in mind.

  15. Yes, I'm walking without stagnancy.
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 14:02:00]Good. But then, take a break from time to time, too. Not too long though!

  16. Time and tide wait for no man. Got it. I'll bear in mind and remind myself every time when I feel too frustrated to move forward.
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 14:39:00]Feelings seldom last long. But a timely reminder will often mean either stagnating or going forward. Just a flicker of thought which can turn either way: a shift in merely a quantum scale!

  17. elzorro should grant superman a Christman tree as substantial prize, and superman put on his decoration showing to us. How wonderful it will be, and we all longing for the Christmas this year.
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 21:04:00]He suggested you share the prize! Since you are first to suggest the dog and cat, you can choose either the tree or the decorations!

  18. ...a shift in merely a quantum scale!
    What does it mean?
    [版主回覆10/31/2010 22:02:00]very very small to be measured in nano-seconds in terms of time and many -20 places after the decimal in terms of energy. Haven't you studied a little quantum physics?
