Dificil It's 為
es diffiicult 秋
ser otoño, to be autumn 難
fácil ser primavera. easy to be spring 為春易
Encender todo Burn all 燃燒 一切
lo que nació that was born 生來
para ser encendido. to be burned. 燃燒的。
Pero apagar el mundo But extinguish the world 但熄滅那世界
deslizándolo swaying it 把它如
como si fuera un aro as if it were a hoop 一箍黃色東西般
de cosas amarillas, of yellow matter, 攪動
hasta fundir olores, until odors, 直至味道
luz, raices, light, roots are merged, 光與根莖混作一團,
subir vino a las uvas, lifting wine from grapes 從葡萄抽出酒,
acuñar con paciencia minting with patience 用耐心
la irregular moneda odd-shaped coins 以高地樹木鑄造
del árbol en la altura of high tree in the heights 不同形狀硬幣
derramándola luego scattering them later 其後將它們分發給
en desinteresadas in disinterested 漠不關心及空無一人的
calles desierteas, deserted streets, 街道,
es profesión de manos is the oocupation of 是孔武有力之手的
varoniles. virile hands. 工作。
Por eso, For this reason. 為此,
otoño, autumn, 秋季,
camarada alfarero fellow potter 製陶匠之友,
constructor de planetas, builder of planets, 行星之鑄造者,
electricista, electrician, 電工,
presevador de trigo, protector of wheat, 麥子之監護人
te doy mi mano de hombre I give you my hand man 我給你我的手一人
a hombre to man 對一人
y te pido me invites and ask you to invite me 求你邀我
a salir a caballo, to go out on a horse, 同策馬
a trabajar contigo. to work with you. 同作業
Siempre quise Always I like 我向喜
ser aprendiz de otoño, to be autumn's apprentice, 當秋之學徒
ser pariente pequeño to be the little relative 當高地辛勞
del laborioso of the hardworking 機械技工之
mecánico de altura, mechanic of the heights, 小親戚,
golopar por la tierra to gallop through the land 馳騁大地
repartiendo delivering 分發
oro, gold, 黄金,
inutil oro. useless gold. 沒用的黄金。
Pero, mañana, But, tomorrow, 但,明天,
otoño, autumn, 秋季,
te ayudaré a que cobren I shall help you with the 我將助你向
hojas de oro collecting leaves of gold 路旁貧民
los pobres del camino. from the poor on the road. 回收金葉。
Otoño, buen jinete, Autumn, fine rider, 秋季 ,優良策騎者
galopemos, let us gallop, 讓我們一起,
antes que nos ataje before the black winter 在黑冬抄截前
el negro invierno. cut us short. 馳騁。
Es duro It's hard 我們漫長的工作
nuestro largo trabajo. our lengthy work. 很苦。
Vamos Let us go 讓我們啟程
a preparar la tierra prepare the land 準備大地
y a enseñarla and teach her 教她
a ser madre, to be mother, 為母,
a guardar las semillas to guard the seeds 保存其種籽
que en su vientre in its womb 他們將在其腹內
van a dormir cuidadas going to sleep cared for 睡眠被兩騎者
por dos jinetes rojos by two red riders 照顧,
que corren por el mundo: coursing across the world: 他們走遍世界:
el apreniz de otoño autumn's apprentice 秋之學徒
e el otoño. and autumn. 與秋季。
Asi de las raices Thus from the roots 這樣從那隱蔽的
oscuras y escondidas dark and hidden 根莖
podrán salir bailando will come out dancing 芬香與
la fragancia the fragance 春之面紗
y el velo verde de la primavera. and spring's green veil. 將可舞蹈而來。
In this poem, we got a taste of the way Neruda incarnates Nature with life, with the sensuousness peculiar to his sensibility. To him, autumn is not for the dull, just another season of working, eating, watching TV, sleeping, working again. When he thinks of autumn, what springs to his mind is its opposite, spring and he pictures spring as the season when the aquatic nymphs display their nipples shamelessly, probably referring to the buds on the tips of tree branches and flowering shrubs by the side of rivers, lakes or ponds. Then comes the season immediately before autumn, summer, when his mind is filled with pictures of endless fields of wheat, green like the chattering crickets and the sound of cicadas breaking the silence of summer, with silvery morning dew dripping from the distant stars, when the spring mists give way to summer breezes and the roots of plants were sliently doing their subterranean work, supplying nourishment to what grows above. He has a very striking image: the strengh and force of Life turns into ribbons of germination and balls of fertilized seeds.
In the next stanza, he starts talking about the principal subject of the poem, autumn. To him, autumn is a humble season. Instead of giving us a static picture, he introduces motion. He compares autumn with activity: the activity of a busy woodcutter. They have to wait for the leaves to fall everywhere. The idea of autumn being everywhere is skilfully introduced through the speaking of different tongues which must be silenced because it takes time for the leaves to fall before work of the woodcutter can begin: he must wait till the trees are bare before he cuts them down. I like the way he describes the falling of the leaves. The falling is mimicked vividly by the very rhythm of his words in the last 4 lines of the second stanza, which repeats, now longer, now shorter, just like the unsteady wavy motion of the falling leaves as they drift down in the autumn breeze.
In the third stanza, he describes the work of the people in autumn: cutting everything down, gathering in the harvest, burning what is not needed and then making wine. He compares spring to starting a fire and autumn to burning everything away and mixing everything so as to produce wine: the odor and the light, the roots etc. He thinks of autumn leaves as being minted by autumn from trees high up in the hills and being scattered into deserted streets. That is tough work for virile men.
Then in the fourth and fifth stanza, he gives another face to autumn. This time, autumn is conceived of as a worker who normally stays indoor, a potter, an electrician, a wheat godown keeper, a moulder of the earth. He invites them to come out from their houses, workshops etc. and ride with him and travel the world to gather golden leaves from everyone including the poor on the roadside. He revels in the gold of autumn. To him, that is a most beautiful color, well worth abandoning for a while whatever the workers are doing to feast their eyes on that color. There is urgency. Black winter is threatening to cut them short. They must gather all the seeds and teach the earth how to protect itself against winter so that when spring comes again, dancing, it will again be able to deliver the fresh aroma of its flowers! I like his image of two red riders galloping through the world, teaching the world how to protect itself against black winter. The two riders are red: the color of blood, of vitality, of life!
好呀..真係要推介 哩個卜.. 可以學好英文呢
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/08/2010 14:30:00]You turn my face red with shame! I write quickly. I do not know how many times I have found grammatical mistakes in what I have written, literally all over the place. When I look at the blog again to read other bloggers' comments, I would often discover such mistakes. Whenever I do, I have to correct them. But still many remain. Far too many! Their number is so great that sometimes I deliberately refuse to look at them, like an obstrich, so that I don't have to do the corrections again because I hate to go over old grounds. Once it's done, I don't want to have anything further to do with it, if I can avoid doing so. So you "learn" at your own risk! You may "learn"to repeat my mistakes! Please don't say you have not been forewarned!
In the eyes of the poet Neruda, the golden colour of Autumn is beautiful and attractive. He is not only praise its beauty, but also the rewards of the cooperation hardworking people ... No matter the richer or poorer, all come out to rejoice together and celebrate all the success in Autumn. Let's dance, let's love, let's feel the autumn breeze, let's see the beauty of Autumn in the world ...
回覆刪除This poem is full of joy and love ...
[版主回覆10/09/2010 07:08:00]Yes, you're right. The poet is trying to teach the world how to celebrate the joys of autumn leaves and the hope of another dancing spring. We can all use a little joy and love.