
2011年1月17日 星期一

Ya Yin' s "To Matisse" 瘂弦之『獻給馬蒂斯.1』

To familairize myself a little more with modern Chinese poetry, I bought a collection of the poems of one of the few Chinese poets, whose influence was wholly disproportionate to the quantity of his production, like Verlaine. He is a poet called Ya Yin (瘂弦) or literally "Muted Strings" . His real name is 王慶麟 (b. 1932).

 獻給馬蒂斯                                                             To Matisse.

一                                                                           I

他們又將說這是燦爛的,馬蒂斯           They'll say again that it's dazzling, Matisse's

雙眼焚燬整座的聖母院,自遊戲間      Eyes burned the whole of the Notre Dame Cathedral to the ground, from the playroom

房中的赤裸冉冉上升去膈肢那些天使 its nakedness rose slowly to separate itself from the angels through their diaphrams and limbs 

沒有回聲,斑豹蹲立於暗中        No echo, the spotted leopard crouched in the dark

織造一切奇遇的你的手拆散所有的髮髻 The hand weaving every adventure undid all the hair buns 

而在電吉他粗重的撥弄下    Upon the rude plucking of the electric guitar

在不知甚麽夢的危險邊陲   At the dangerous bounds of some dream

作金色的她們是橫卧於      In gold, they lay flat upon 

一條薔薇綴成的褥子上--- a  rose embroidered bedsheet

等你亨利. 馬蒂斯               waiting for you Henri Matisse

馬蒂斯是光榮的羞恥        Matisse was the glory of shame

了枕上的積壓的謠言,在夏日 Because of the rumours pressing upon the pillow, in summer

綢緞們如是驚駭你竟茫然無知   the silks and satins were so shocked at your ignorance

而女人們要的便是這小小的傷殘 and what the women desired was that tiny tiny injury

(一個天鵝絨的階段!)        (a velvety stage! )

或假裝扺抗你                      or feigning to resist you

在鏡子的抄襲下                  after the copy in the mirror 

或看水甕背後                      or looking behind the water urn 

空氣在她股上                      at the air above her behinds 

野蠻而温柔                          savage yet tender

馬蒂斯,我知道你並無意 Matisse, I know that you didn't mean to

使一切事物成為亡故        cause everything to die

柘榴也曾飽飲你的時辰,在巴黎 even the pomegranates sated themselves upon your hour, in Paris

床邊的顧盼竟險阻如許; the look-about beside the bed being so dangerous; 

不聽管朿的夜,炫目的牆  the unbridled night, the dazzling walls

轟然!一團晋魯士藍的太陽  Bang! a corp of Prussian blue suns

奇妙的日子啊馬蒂斯          Wonderful days, Matisse   

你固已成為她們肌膚的親信 Now that you've already turned into the confidante of their skins

則他究竟有幾個面顏?!    How many faces did he have?!

而色彩猶如是扯謊,且總覺 And even colors were so deceiving, somehow it felt like 

有些甚麽韻律                    some kind of rhythm

在笑謔間                           of banters

流入晨曦的心裏              was flowing into the heart of dawn.

According to the Wipipedia,  he joined the Nationalist forces in 1949, studied drama at the 復興崗學院 , graduated after one year and was assigned to the Naval Broadcasting Station, then started a poetry club called "Genesis Poetry Society" (創世紀詩社) with 張默 and 洛天 in 1954, retired as a veteran in 1966, then joined the International Writers Association Programme  for two years at U of Ohio and upon its return  took up the post of editor-in-chief of Cub Lion Literature & Art  (幼獅文藝)  monthly magagine and ten years later obtained an MA in East Asian Studies at U of Wisconsin and then became the editor-in- chief of of the Supplement of United Daily News (聯合報) for 21 years. He is now retired and living in Canada and in 2007, he was the Baptist College's resident writer for three months and participated at International Writers' Workshop. His works are chararterized by the use of lively colloquial words and style, musicality of the sounds of his words and surrealisic elements seeking to explore the melancholy, pitifulness, the sweetness and the dilemmas in the life of the modern man.



  • 1959年 詩集 《苦苓林的一夜》 香港國際圖書
  • 1960年 詩集 《瘂弦詩抄》 創世紀
  • 1968年 詩集 《鹽》(Salt) 美國愛荷華大學         
  • 1968年 詩集 《深淵》 眾人
  • 1971年 詩集 《深淵》(增訂本) 晨鐘
  • 1977年 詩集 《瘂弦自選集》 黎明
  • 1981年 詩集 《瘂弦詩集》 洪範         
  • 1981年 論述 《中國新詩研究》 洪範
  • 1983年 論述 《青年筆陣──台灣青年文藝運動小史》 幼獅
  • 2004年 論述 《聚散花序一集》 洪範
  • 2004年 論述 《聚散花序二集》 洪範
  • 2006年 詩集 《弦外之音》(連光盤) 聯經


  •  藍星詩獎
  •  青年文藝獎
  •  香港好望角詩獎
  •  全國十大傑出青年金手獎(文學類)
  •  全國話劇最佳男演員(1965年度)
  •  金鼎獎
  •  五四文學獎
  •  東元獎(文學類)

6 則留言:

  1. Thank you very much for introducing Ya Yin and his poem "Matisse" as well as your English translation! Good work! His poem is colourful and gives readers a deep feeling too.
    I also found his video clip from YouTube and attach it below for your interest:

    [版主回覆01/17/2011 10:30:00]Thank you so much for this very informative video! Certainly helps us to understand him more.

  2. Thanks for the posting.
    Yes, Ya Yin has been an influential literary figure in the contemporary poetry circle. I remember quite a few years back, Ya Yin expressed his appreciation for some of the writings of my late brother Joseph for the latter’s concern about what you said in your blog: the melancholy, pity, the sweetness and the dilemmas in the life of the modern man.
    [版主回覆01/17/2011 10:34:00]Saw his name in the bookshop many many times before. Now that I'm beginning to read some modern Chinese poetry, thanks to  SuperBro for arousing my interest in the first place, I thought I might just buy a collection of his works and start reading. This is one of the first which caught my fancy. In fact, there are three parts to the poem. I shall translate the second and third part and then write a short introduction when I got the time.

  3. I love his style: poetry in prose. The popular <如歌的行板> is one of his poems I like. It’s loaded with imageries, seemingly irrelevant but so telling. It’s a sketch of history and the recall of time.
    [版主回覆01/17/2011 10:47:00]I will try to translate this too when I got the time. I read this one too. It's one of his best. The juxtaposition is the poetics of the imagists, from which T. S Eliot learned. It's the amplification of the literary device called "repetition". Its also the principle of composition of Arvo Päat, the contemporary East European composer. The force of the reversal in the second part of the stanza explodes with the accumulated momentum of the repetition in the first. It's one of his most famous poems.

  4. Good evening, my dear old friend!  So, you see, only the spotted leopard is the witness to the whole scene... (Sorry, just joking)  Anyway, the Black Leopard doesn't have spots... "Man is so vain...   Is the label of the sophisticated world,    So in the eyes of the common, like what she says about him...      Vain in the name of..." 

    [版主回覆01/18/2011 08:34:00]True. What most of us lack is self-awareness!

  5. ELZORRO 今日好嗎 ?
    [版主回覆01/18/2011 08:35:00]Fine. Thank you. Any luck in your plan for the new year?

  6. [版主回覆01/18/2011 14:10:00]
    Thank you so much for letting us feel the brightness,joy, the fluidity and freedom in Matisse's paintings through this beautiful video with Debussy's Claire de lune . 
