
2011年8月28日 星期日

Delight in Light

Since taking up photography in late April, I seem to have had an opthalmological operation. It felt as if I had my optic nerve replaced or completely rewired. The cones and rods at the back of my irises seemed suddenly to have become more sensitive to light and shade and to contrasts in colors and forms.  Sometimes I felt that I had never been to this world before. Suddenly, everything which enters the lens of my camera  becomes an object of ceaseless wonder. I began to notice things which I might have seen perhaps hundreds of time before as if I had never previously laid eyes on them.  Somehow the world seems to have changed magically right in front of my eyes! I'm so glad that it has become a much more interesting world. Now I'm never out without a camera and an extra battery in my shoulder bag.

Three of the things which now fascinate me are the form, the color and the texture of leaves. I don't mean any "special" leaves, anything "fancy". Just perfectly "plain",  "ordinary", "simple" and otherwise unremarakble leaves. They may be the leaves of trees and shrubs that we see around Hong Kong every day. Under the right conditions, they would take on a beauty which you'd never suspect could be there.  Is that not amazing? And of course the proverbial beauty of flowers too!

Like the contrast between the roughness and toughness of  the branches as they cling for
support against the wooden frame to the right and the different shades of green from left to right.

Unexpected patterns formed on two leaves by the shadows of others closer to the sun than they.

Multiple shadows of leaves on the surfaces of their brethren.

More shadows of leaves upon others broken by tougher dark browns of the horizontal lines of
the thicker or thinner creeper branches.

Different shades of brown and greens of the branches, contrasting with the variegated greens of
the networks of green veins of the leaves.

Like the network of veins, the slightly "sunburnt" edges  of the leaves and the translucence of
the leaves.

Different shades of green and shadows of leaves and branches.

Branches cutting unceremoniously across the sea of greens.

A close-up of the above. Like the kaleidoscopic shapes and colors.

An even closer close-up! I like the greens and yellows.

So many brothers and sisters. I suppose I must be content to be just one of them!

The vines clinging to the side and twisting around each other for better support.

Life fighting to express itself  through its chlorophyll despite the "casualties" caused by worms?

I may be a little burnt around my periphery and may have sustained two attacks from those
hateful worms but I'm so glad I've survived!

See how healthy and strong I am?

A "natural" casualty from age?

Fighting for attention from bees and butterflies with its purples and whites.

Like the whites embroidering the edges of the blue/purple petals.

Little white flowers silently telling the bigger purple flowers: we want attention too!

The little flowers saying quietly: we may like the sun but we don't want to get sunburnt!

A symphony of colors and forms.

Peaceful co-existence?

We're not ashamed of who or what we are!

11 則留言:

  1. 精彩!尤其喜愛最後兩長.
    [版主回覆08/28/2011 23:29:03]Can't agree with your more. If only you knew how to to open your heart to Nature, she would never disappoint you.
    I enjoy sharing my joys with others as much you enjoy them.

  2. Fantastic pictures! You have a good mastering of light in your pictures. I like the last one best.

    Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph. – Matt Hardy
    [版主回覆08/28/2011 23:34:30]Thank you for your kind words. I'll strive to be worthy of them.
    I like the last one too. I like the blend of white, green and purple. They seem to blend so well together.
    I agree that there is beauty in everything, if only we knew how to appreciate it when it presents itself to us.

  3. I've always marvelled at the beauty of your pictures. This collection is particularly fascinating. I love trees, flowers, leaves, in fact, all plants. They are charming for their own sake. Now they are made more captivating with the light cast on them. Thank you for sharing with us this delight of light.

    And I must again convey my most sincere appreciation for the great descriptions. I think I'll show my students these excellent examples of descriptive writing.

    [版主回覆08/28/2011 23:38:02]Thank you so much for your compliments. The beauty is not in my pictures. The beauty belongs to Nature. I love trees, flowers, leaves too. They have all got their own peculiar charm.
    I like to share what I enjoy with others. I'm so glad it has given you such joy.

  4. I like the 2nd one....

    the sunlight does refresh the beauty of leaves and flowers....

    so I love taking photos under sunlight.
    [版主回覆08/28/2011 23:40:13]I simply love the way the sun add translucence to the underside of leaves and add a sheen on top of them and to the flowers. Whenever the sun comes out, the entire world of flowers and leaves seems to jump for joy! And me too!

  5. Good morning, my dear old friend! \(@^0^@)/★ 晚安

    ...1.)You're in love with photography, and furthermore, you're in love with
    the beauty of nature, the magic of light and shadow, and the wonders
    of God's creation...((。(^_^)。))

    ...2.) " Light and shadow, the sound of God,
    And now wonder you're attracted to the light,
    Shadow of doubts makes you wonder,
    The quest for love and the art of love,
    Sound familiar to me and you,
    Of everyone's dream,
    God's camera is on the run..." ≧ω≦ + <*^.^*>

    [版主回覆08/29/2011 06:46:49]Nature is an inexhaustible source of beauty. Photography is a largely mimetic art.
    Thanks for the interesting video clip on the play of light and shadow on the stage.

  6. Thank you El Zorro for the beautiful photos! They are impressive when I watch them with the blog function of slide show! ^_^
    [版主回覆08/29/2011 12:05:32]Thanks for your compliments. I'm sure they resemble the work of a primary student compared to those that appear in your blog.

  7. Light, the architect of forms and colors! Thanks for sharing your “supernatural revelation”.
    [版主回覆08/29/2011 12:08:35]Yes, you're right. I mean about how light transforms everything. I'm sure it's neither "supernatural" nor a "revelation" in any sense. But thanks anyway.

  8. Hahaha... maybe I should say spiritual revelation. Glad that you are able to upload photos now.
    [版主回覆08/29/2011 12:23:03]Fortunately, we still got free speech. But if we can believe our newspaper headlines, I'm sure there're a lot of people out there who won't agree.

  9. Wonderful captures ~ those leaves and flowers are smiling quietly under the sunlight ~~

  10. Very beautiful ^^~~
    [版主回覆08/30/2011 19:14:27]Thank you. I'm so glad you find their quiet smile beautiful. You really ought to thank the sun. It's the sun who confers beauty on everything it shines on and magically transforms something ordinary looking into something as you say, "wonderful"!

  11. 原來已轉了新版!簡約清爽呢! =^_^= 喜最末一幅:平和共存、色調柔和、構圖好看!
    [版主回覆09/18/2011 23:37:49]Thank you.I like its colors too.
    [版主回覆08/31/2011 05:02:27]Yes, I switched over to the new format about a week ago. I like it simple because I'm simple minded and can't handle too many things at the same time.
    I like the last one too. I like the way the little white flowers interspersed themselves between the bigger purple flowers and in between the little green leaves.
    Thank you for your compliments.
