
2012年4月9日 星期一

Your Sister's Sister (忽然搭上你家姐)

My second last film at the HKIFF, Your Sister's Sister (2011), is a very middle class film about the messed
up lives of two sisters and a man in their late twenties and early
thirties by a woman director Lyn Sheldon (We Go Way Back (06), My
Effortless Brilliance (08), Humpday
(09), starring  Mark Duplass playing Jack, Emily Blunt playing Iris and Rosemarie DeWitt playing her elder sister Hannah.
Iris, Jack's dead brother's ex, meets Jack at a party and finds him totally disorganized. She suggests to Jack that he should take a bike ride to her father's cabin at Puget Sound and spend some time there to think things out all alone in a completely secluded corner of the world. Jack takes her advice. But when he arrives, he finds to his surprise another woman there, drinking all alone. She is Iris's sister, Hannah. Hannah is there because she has just broken off a 9-year-old lesbian relationship with her ex and wants to chill out there. She has plenty of tequilla to drown out her pains and pours her heart out to Jack and asks him in turn what brought him there. He tells her how he could not pick up his life after his favourite brother's death. They're both in a rut. In a half drunken state, Jack made love to her. The following morning, to his horror, Iris arrives. Iris hasn't seen Hannah for a while. They had endless things to catch up on with each other. Iris, who has a hidden crush on Jack, asks Hannah's opinion about Jack. In the middle of the talk, Hannah feels she must confess to Iris that she slept with Jack the previous night. Iris flew into a rage Eventually, Jack confesses to Iris that although she slept with Hannah, Iris was where his heart belonged.
I like the film, done in a very natural manner and with some beautiful photography of the natural scenery on the island. Most of the dialogues are improvised by the actors, who almost co-wrote them with the director and screenplay writer. The first part of the film is full of humor as Jack tried to hide the fact that he slept with Hannah but as the film moves on, it becomes more and more emotionally intense. The acting was good by all three. It's an excellent little study on the transformation of one kind of feeling into another between Iris and Jack through the complex feelings of love and rivalry between two sisters.

2 則留言:

  1. ∪▽∪ Happy Number 1 阿 1 熊
    [版主回覆04/11/2012 14:15:25]So glad for you. Keep learning and discovering the beauty of calligraphy!.
    [自由熊回覆04/10/2012 22:34:39]∪△∪有呀 .. 5 月會開學啦. .學楷書進階班呀
    [版主回覆04/10/2012 20:06:08]Happy Easter to you. Did you do anything interesting?

  2. As I have said in one of my post, love should not be confined to between two persons. Although Jack said Iris's where his heart belonged, at least there got to be a feeling towards Hannah.
    [版主回覆04/10/2012 20:09:03]It's difficult if not impossible to confine one's entire love on one person for one's entire life. It's normal that people get into situations without their realizing it from time to time.
