
2012年7月13日 星期五

曹植之《美女篇》 Cao Zhi's "A Belle"


















A belle pretty and peaceful, picking mulbery leaves between forking paths

Willow strings waving softly, falling leaves floating gracefully

Pure hands seen over her sleeves, golden bracelets over her bright wrist

A goldbird hairpin upon her head, a jade belt in green upon her waist

Shining pearls upon her body, like coral flowers upon a wooden fence

How flowing her dress, her light gauze bending to the breeze

Her looking around leaving behind colors, her long whistling light as lilies

Travelers stopped in their paths, resting, forgetting their meals

May I ask where you’re staying? It’s at the south end of the town

The house of pleasure facing the main street, its high gates double-bolted

Her looks dazzling the morning sun, who'd not desire her looks

What’s her go-between doing? Why aren’t the clothes and jade on time?

The belle admires only noble justice, it’s specially hard find a good one,

The masses murmur in vain, how’d they know what’s she’s looking for!

The prime of life in a room , a long sigh arising in the middle of the night     

Cao Zhi  (tr. El Zorro)
Cao Chi (192-232) was the third son of Cao Cho, a very talented poet who is reputed to have completed a poem within the time of walking seven paces but has never occupied any official posting in his father's kingdom at first until late in the life of his father but once his brother 曹丕 got into power, he tried many times to have him killed out of jealousy for his talents but was stopped by his mother. So he spent his time drinking and died at the young age of 41. According to the famous Tsing dynastic critic and poet 王士禎, there are only three poets whom he admired since the Han Dynasty, viz. Cao Zhi (曹植), Li Bai (李白) and Su Shi ( 蘇.軾).

6 則留言:

  1. Wow, this is a bold attempt. But you did it!
    Cao Zhi was a prolific poet. Being the victim of the whims and jealousy of his elder brother Cao Pei(曹丕), Cao Zhi wrote many allegorical poems, lamenting at his own miserable fate as well as yearning for friendship and love. His《七步詩》is an example. You will also remember the poem《贈白馬王彪》we studied in our secondary school days.
    In《美女篇》Cao Zhi cleverly used the image of the belle as a subtle allusion to his own aspiration which few would understand, as manifested in the last four lines: 「佳人慕高義,求賢良獨難。眾人徒嗷嗷,安知彼所觀?」 The belle is the personification of Cao Zhi himself.
    [版主回覆07/13/2012 15:33:50]Yes. I know that. The references to the high gates, double-boated door, the reference to pearls and corals (his high birth) and the dazzling beauty of the member of the oldest profession rivalling that of the sun (his personal talents), living in a "house of pleasure" awaiting marriage" into a better "home" are all references to his position of awaiting being picked for better things, But thanks for letting the others know.

  2. 女為悅己者容, 如無人賞識, 便心事重重.
    [版主回覆07/14/2012 01:21:42]That's typical female psychology but nowadays, it's difficult to tell if there is not a female trapped in a male body.

  3. 曹植這詩! 非其才情、 寫來已不易! 譯就更難了! El Zorro 真是神來之筆呢!
    [版主回覆07/15/2012 14:15:11]Only that Cao Zhi is good, I'm just a copycat!

  4. 曹植這首詩雖然在格式上承襲于詩經,但在思想情感上則和離騷一脈相承。Great sharing!
    [版主回覆07/15/2012 20:34:15]Yes, he's a really very talented poet. Unfortunately, he's "blessed" with a very envious brother. So he has to be very careful about expressing his true sentiments.

  5. 能七步成詩、不間單!
    [版主回覆07/18/2012 22:28:41]He's a real talent. But talent was his undoing. He was the subject of envy and of fear and hence object of attack by his own brother!

  6. 原來自古已經有“佳人慕高义,求贤良独难。” 的盛女問題存在。
    [版主回覆07/27/2012 11:08:39]When has "the good" not been a "scarce" mating resource ?
