
2012年8月31日 星期五

Tung Ping Chau 4 (Flora)

Tung Ping Chau has to offer not only its unusual sedimentary rock formation in various stages of erosion and its tumble down buildings, it is also covered with all kind of plants that we find on other outlying islands.

The path leading from the ferry pier to the main beach is covered with these tiny little daisies

Some daisies in various stages of growth

Found these morning glories opening their petal to the morning sun

Another one basking nonchalantly under the morning sun

Not only were they growing atop the broken down walls of abandoned house, they decorate the rear of the main beach right next to the ferry pier

I really like its color and the delicacy of its joined up petal with ribs which enable it to fold up upon sunset

a morning glory in the evening in the process of folding in

For some reason or other, they'd fold back their petals in the evening

I also found these really tiny flowers growing upon the sand on the beach

Their buds

Another type of really tiny flowers I found growing upon the beach

And also this giant cactus like plant with its thorny blades

Some lantanas in the morning sun. How happy they look !

Everywhere I went, I found these creepers

It's so nice to be ambling under the shelter of this naturally formed arbor over the path

The path is often carpeted by fallen leaves

Someone must have cleaned the path

From time to time, you got to avoid being tangled by these overhanging adventitious creepers

Some fallen flowers clinging precariously to a broken wall

Some fluffly flowers I found on the way

How soft and delicate are its hair !

I found a lot these tiny yellow flowers towering above the surrounding vegetation

Everywhere I went, I found these beautiful looking ferns

A break in the seaside path

Ah a giant spider. I remember having seen a similar one on Tung Lung Island too

I love to look at leaves under the sun: so full of life !

Some young papaya leaves

But sooner or later, all leaves must meet their common fate. A leaf turning all yellow and brown and yet how magnificent still

Another leaf all discolored and worm eaten

This one would not give up, despite the unrelenting nibbles of caterpillars struggling to keep themselves alive in the hope of eventually mating and reproducing. Does it have any choice?

This is probably the fate awaiting all of us: dried, crumpled, lying on the ground, returning to whence we came: the earth. Yet in the meantime, we must all learn to live, to the fullest, the best we can ! Time won't spare us ! We should not think that somehow we can be an exception. Emperors, kings, presidents, nobles, legislators, tycoons or just ordinary folks have gone that way before us. So shall we. All men are equal before Death, the great leveller. How precarious is life? And how precious ! 

They probably knew this

How cool the water ! How moving?

Anything better than sitting, lying down on one's back, enjoying the sun, the sea, the breeze and looking around?

Or whispering sweet nothingness?

9 則留言:

  1. Thank you El Zorro for your beautiful capture of flowers and leaves. ^_^
    Like the last paragraph which is a meaningful reflection of life.
    [版主回覆08/31/2012 11:25:08]You're welcome. I've got a long way to go to catch up to your standards !

  2. long time no visiting your blog, but it is as good as before. spot that u often upload many portraits here this year, quite nice. i prefer yours with the flowers and scence, quite nice.
    [版主回覆08/31/2012 12:20:22]Thank you for your kind words.

  3. Anything better than sitting, lying down on one's back, enjoying the sun, the sea, the breeze and looking around?
    In this hot summer, air-conditioner.
    [版主回覆08/31/2012 13:40:24]Sure and perhaps an ice-cold lemonade or coffee?

  4. It is not only flowers that bloom and fade. It is also meaning of life. Thank you El Zorro, what wonderful pictures that reflect the power of nature!
    [pinkpanther501101回覆09/04/2012 13:26:14]But in some way, I still believe death can transcent mortality
    [版主回覆09/01/2012 08:10:46]We are born, we bloom, we wither, we die and yet how wonderful it feels to wake up every morning to find that we are still alive. If it shines, we can enjoy the sunlight passing through the filter of the green leaves and the colorful petal of flowers and if it rains, we can watch the water drops collecting under the roofs, the windows, the rails etc. and if there is a breeze,, we can allow it to caress our face. How nice it is to allow creamy ice-cream and flinty chocolates to melt in our mouth and to feel the sloshing of the juice of a ripe peach through our teeth as we bite at its freshness and to smell freshly baked bread...

  5. 域 流亦詩 Louis Rick2012年9月1日 凌晨12:21

    [版主回覆09/01/2012 08:12:36]So happy you enjoy the photo report.

  6. Superb!
    [版主回覆09/06/2012 08:04:39]Thank you for your morale booster.

  7. 寫得太好了! 也特別喜歡倒數第五幅的枯黃葉子! 拍得很有感覺! ~~~~~~~~ 人生的確如逆旅! 只能往前走、 從生、老、病步向死亡! 不可逆轉、 別無選擇! ~~~~~ 可是、 我們也可以在當中作些微小的改動、 享受那大自然的賦予、 偶爾過一些愉快的日子!
    [版主回覆09/06/2012 07:14:05]Nature is a great teacher as well as a great comforter. It offers us its beauty, it stubborn will to continue, come what may and gives us endless example of how we should and can live ! Glad you enjoyed the photos and what they told me.

  8. 我最喜欢‘断牆’那張。(其它的都非常好!)
    [版主回覆09/07/2012 06:52:50]I like it too. Thanks for visiting.

  9. Les Feuilles Mortes-When Autum leaves start to fall. Life begins again...
    [版主回覆10/19/2012 00:16:38]Right. Seasons come. Seasons go. So do the leaves !
