The weather appeared excellent. I therefore took time off to pay another visit to Ma Wan Park. I was richly rewarded.
There were flowers everywhere.
It's wonderful to see the florescence fashioned by the sun upon the the roundish leaves of the begonia plant.
I like too the way the edges of its leaves are embroidered by sunlight
There were purple flowers everywhere
They look happy under the sun
The radiant heart of this golden "Christmas flower"
and that of the red "Christmas flower"
A red flower about to open up
Another one opening up
now fully open
Even the paper flower looks prettier
They were blooming everywhere
They look so much more beautiful under the sun
Its three stamens
I like these flames of flre
And these "dragon boat" flowers
and the hibiscus
Every time I went there, this flower is always in bloom
Even these leaves at the entrance look prettier under the sun
The sun formed shadows upon this decorative feature at the top of the garden
The sun was setting
and that of the red "Christmas flower"
A red flower about to open up
Another one opening up
now fully open
Even the paper flower looks prettier
They were blooming everywhere
They look so much more beautiful under the sun
Its three stamens
I like these flames of flre
And these "dragon boat" flowers
and the hibiscus
Every time I went there, this flower is always in bloom
Even these leaves at the entrance look prettier under the sun
The sun formed shadows upon this decorative feature at the top of the garden
The sun was setting
The sun setting upon the decorative feature
and the surrounding sea.
Who says Winter is here? Search, and you find Spring round every corner.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/03/2013 10:49:42]Right. Spring has come earlier than usual. Chinese New Year flower farmers are already complaining that their flowers are opening well before the arrival of CNY!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/03/2013 14:15:37]Thank you. What is beautiful is the sunset. I just took snapshots of it.
I also like to photo plant at back light, the tint effect is beautiful. Sunset is good too.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/03/2013 22:20:40]Yes, that's one of the best ways to bring out the delicacy of the relevant leaves and flower petals.The sunset was nice.
天天與山水花木為伴,看落日晚霞, 快活過神仙.
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/04/2013 08:07:28]You can do the same too and spend all the time in the world with your birds and cats.