
2010年4月17日 星期六

Neruda's Oda a la cebolla (Ode to Onion 洋葱之頌)

Since I started on Neruda's Oda a las papas fritas,  I thought I might as well continue on the same theme of odes to various common vegetables taken by the ordinary Chilean folks. So here's his Oda a la Cebolla or Ode to the Onion or  洋葱之頌 with my translations.

Oda a la cebolla                                  Ode to the Onion                                              洋葱之頌


Cebolla,                                             Onion,                                                             洋葱

luminosa redoma,                                 luminous roundabout,                                        閃亮回旋,

pétalo a pétalo                                     petal by petal                                                    瓣復一瓣

se formo tu hermosusra,                        you shape your beauty,                                       塑造你之美

escamas de cristal te acrecentaron           you grow your scales of glass                              積聚琉璃鱗 

y en el secreto de la tierra oscura            and in the secrecy of the dark earth                      在大地暗秘中

se redondeó tu vientre de rocío.               your belly of dew grew rounder.                          腹圍露珠。

Bajo la tierra                                       below the earth                                                 泥土下

fue el milagro                                       the mircle happened                                           創奇蹟

y cuando apareció                                 and when your slow green stem                           當綠莖緩緩

tu torpe tallo verde                                appeared                                                         而出時,

y nacieron                                            and your leaves were born                                  葉劍在園圃中

tus hojas como espaldas en el huerto        like swords in the vegetable garden                      誕生,

la tierra accumuló su poderío                  the earth accumulated its riches                           大地累積其力量

mostrando tu desnuda transparencia,        revealing your naked transparency                       展示你裸體通透,

y como en Afrodita el mar remoto             and as with Aphrodite the remote sea                   猶偏遠之海仿傚木蘭

duplicò la magnolia                               duplicated the magnolia                                      而愛神, 

levantando sus senos,                             by lifting its breasts,                                          之乳,

la tierra                                               the earth                                                           大地

asi te hizo,                                            fashioned you likewise,                                      這樣營造你,

cebolla,                                                onion,                                                              洋葱,

clara como una planeta,                          bright as a planet,                                             明亮如行星,

y destinada                                            and destined                                                      而註定

a relucir,                                               to shine                                                            發光,

constelación constante,                             constant constellation,                                       恆久星座,

redonda rosa de agua,                              round rose of water,                                         圓渾之水玫瑰,

sobre                                                     above                                                              在貧民

la mesa                                                  the table                                                           之桌

de las pobres gentes.                                of the poor men.                                                上。


Generosa,                                               Generous,                                                          慷慨地,

deshaces                                                  you break                                                          將你清新小球

tu globo de frescura                                  your balloon of freshness                                     分發在

en la consumación                                    in the fervent                                                      平底鍋

ferviente de la olla,                                   consommation of the pan,                                    熾熱之高潮

y el jirón de cristal                                    and the splinter of glass                                      在油之火熱中

al calor encendido del aceite                       upon the burning heat of the oil                            琉璃之碎片

se transforma en rizada pluma de oro.         is changed into curled feathers of gold.                   遍作絲絲捲曲之金毛。

También recordaré cómo fecunda                 I shall recall too how fecund                                 我亦將記下你

tu influencia el amor en la ensalada             your influence in the love of salad                          如何豐沃地感染沙拉之愛

y parece que el cielo contribuye                   and it seems that the sky joins in                             而天空似給你送上

dándote fina forma de granizo                    to give you the fine form of hail                              小片冰雹

a celebrar tu claridad picada                     to celebrate your diced brilliance                             以此祝賀你在半球番茄上

sobre los hemisferios de un tomate.             over the hemisphere of a tomato.                             之粒粒清澈。

Pero al alcance                                        But when you reach                                               但當你達

de las manos del pueblo,                           the hands of the people,                                          人們之手,

regada con aceite                                     sprinkled with oil                                                  澆滿

espolvoreada                                           dusted with                                                           灑上塵鹽

con un poco de sal,                                  a little salt                                                            之油,

matas el hambre                                      you kill the hunger                                                  你打掉工人

del jornalero en el duro camino.                of a worker on an arduous path                                艱辛途中之饑饉。

Estrella de los pobres,                             Star of the poor,                                                     窮人之星

hada madrina                                         Fairy godmother                                                     仙子代母

envuelta                                                  sheathed                                                               裹

en delicado                                             in delicate                                                              在精巧

papel, sales del suelo,                               paper, you leave the soil                                          紙內,你離開土壤,

eterna, intacta, pura                                 eternal, whole, pure                                                永恆,完好,純潔

como semilla de astro,                              like a seed from a star,                                             猶星星之子                  

y al cortarte                                            and upon being cut                                                  而在厨刀切下時

el cuchillo en la cocina                              the kitchen knife                                                      升起一滴

sube la única lágrima                               delivers that unique tear                                           無痛

sin pena.                                                 without pain.                                                         之淚。

Nos hisciste llorar sin afligirnos.               You made us cry without afflicting us                         使我們哭 但沒折磨我們。

Yo cuando existe, celebré, cebolla,              While I live, I shall celebrate you, onion                     我一天尚存,將祝賀你,洋葱,

pero para mí eres                                     but to me, you are                                                   但依我,你

más hermosa que un ave                            prettier than the bird                                               比穿上目眩羽毛之雀鳥

de plumas cegadoras,                               of dazzling feathers,                                                 更美

eres para mis ojos                                   to my eyes, you are                                                    在我眼中你是

globo celeste, copa de platino,                   a heavenly balloon, cup of silver,                                 天堂之球,銀杯

baile inmóvil                                           motionless dance                                                       雪海葵之

de anémona nevada                                  an anemone of snow.                                                  靜態舞蹈


Y vive la fragrancia de la tierra                 and long live the earth's fragrance                                 願大地香氣

en tu natureleza cristalina.                       in your crystalline naturalness.                                      在你那自然之水晶長存。 


In this poem, Neruda sings his praises to this "star of the poor", this "heavenly balloon", this "cup of silver", this "motionless dance of the snow-coloured sea anemone."

He describes the onion from its birth underground, goes through its growth, then goes on to outline the two commonest ways the onion is used by Chileans: fried as onion rings or chopped or diced as condiment to the homely tomato salad with chopped garlic, pepper, salt, a little parsley or oregano. and vinegar. He ends the poem with his pious wish. We can detect a movement of the images of the onion from a corm underground, to its emergence from the soil, then to the kitchen table and then finally to the stars and the sky. He ends the poem with his pious wishes for the onion.

To Neruda, the the petals of the onion may be compared to  "scales of glass", and its green shoots  to "swords", its fried rings to "curled feathers of gold" and the chopped onion on the surface of the tomato hemisphere in the tomato salad as tiny  "hailstones" and then to a "star" of the poor , the "breasts" of Aphrodite, then finally three successive images of "balloon" of the sky, "silver cup|," water rose" a "fairy godmother" ,  "motionless dance of snow-colored sea anemone".  To him the onion is even more beautiful than the bird with feathers of the most dazzling colour. Although the onion brings tears to the eyes of those who cut it, it does not inflict any suffering or pain. He writes of its use in preparing salads and how it might be fried into rings of gold. To him, the onion is a most natural "crystal ball" of nature which banishes the hunger of the poor, as its rings are taken out piping hot from boiling oil and wrapped in thin paper cups and  adds taste and piquancy to the tomato salad when chopped or diced onions bit are spread over the freshly cut tomato, with olive oil and garlic, a standard salad commonly served as a side dish on the table of the Chilean poor.  

