
2010年4月24日 星期六

Neruda's Oda a la papa (Ode to the papa 薯仔頌)1

Although there are very few people in this world who has never once tasted potato puree, French fries, baked potato with cream or yogurt or potato salad, but not every one knows that the potato had been cultivated around Lake Titicaca, between Peru and Bolivia about 10,000 years ago and that specimens of it have been discovered in some caves called Tres Ventanas (Thee Windows) in Chilca about 65 KM south of Lima and had been dated to more than 8000 years BC!  Together with the maize, the potato was the staple of the Incas. The potato was first introduced to Spain in the 16th Century with the discovery of America  and has since spread to France , Germany , England . There are more than  3,000 varieties of potato in Peru , its place of origin! I have already translated Neruda's Oda a las papa fritas. But I just discovered another one on the potato itself. It is much much longer and has  not yet been fried! Here it is with my translations.

Oda a la papa                                 Ode to the papa                             薯仔頌

Papa                                                    Papa                                                   薯仔      

te llamas,                                             you're called                                       你叫

Papa                                                    Papa                                                   薯仔

y no patata,                                          and not potato,                                   而不是馬鈐薯,

no naciste con barba,                           you were not born with a beard,          你出生時沒有鬍鬚,

no eres castellana:                                you are not a Castilian:                         你不是加士廸人:

eres oscura                                           you are dark                                         你黝黑

como                                                    like                                                      

nuestra piel,                                          our skin,                                              我們皮膚,

somos americanos,                                we are americans,                                 我們是美洲人,

Papa,                                                     Papa,                                                    薯仔

somos indios.                                        we are indigenous.                                我們是土著。

Profunda                                               You are                                                 你是

y suave eres,                                          deep and delicate.                                  深藏不露和細緻

pulpa, pura, purísima                             pure pulp, purest                                   漿極純

rosa blanca                                            white rose                                               白玫瑰

enterra,                                                  buried,                                                    埋藏地下

floresces                                                 you flourish                                            你在哪開花

allá adentro                                            there within                                             在泥土

en la tierra,                                             the earth,                                                 

en tu lluviosa                                          in your rainy                                           在你滿灌雨水的

tierra                                                       orginal                                                    

originaria,                                               soil,                                                         

en las islas mojadas                                 in the drenched islands                             在風雨中智利

de Chile tempestuoso,                             of tempestuous Chile,                              濕漉漉之眾孤島   

en Chiloé marino,                                   in the maritime Chiloe,                            在海邊的歌拉魯爾

en medio de la esmeralda que abre          amidst the emerald which sheds               在那向南洋   

su luz verde                                             its green light                                           裸露其綠光的

sobre el austral océano.                           over the southern ocean                            翡翠中。


Papa,                                                       Papa                                                          薯仔

materia                                                    sweet                                                         甜絲絲的

dulce,                                                      material,                                                    物料

alemendra                                                the almond                                                大地

de                                                            of                                                               

la tierra,                                                   the earth,                                                    扁桃

la madre                                                  the mother                                                  在那兒

allí                                                           there                                                           母親

no tuvo                                                    didn't have                                                  沒有

metal muerto,                                           deadly metal,                                              可置死的金屬

allí en la oscura                                        there in the shadowy                                   在那兒

suavidad de las islas                                 softness of the islands,                                 在孤島幽暗之温柔中

no dispuso                                               you didn't handle                                        沒有

el cobre y sus volcanes                             copper and its submerged                           銅和潛藏的

sumergidos,                                             volcanoes,                                                   火山

ni la crueldad azul                                    nor the cruel blue                                        亦沒有錳那

del manganeso,                                         of manganese,                                             綠色的無情

sino que con su mano,                              but with its hands,                                        你以手

como en un nido                                       as in a nest                                                   猶如在鳥窩

en la humedad más suave,                         in a softer humidity,                                     更温柔的濕潤中

colocó tus redomas,                                  you placed your roundabouts,                      疏理你的迥旋處

y cuando                                                   and when                                                     而當

el trueno                                                    the thunder                                                  黑色

de la guerra                                               of the black                                                  

negra,                                                        war,                                                             

España                                                       inquisitive                                                    西班牙的

inquisidora,                                                Spain.                                                           好奇

negra como águila de sepultura,                 black as a sepulcral eagle,                             黑如墓穴之鷹

buscó el oro salvaje                                    found the savage gold                                   在亞拉鳥干尼亞

en la matriz                                                 in the burning                                               那熾熱

quemante                                                    womb                                                           子宮

de la Araucanía ,                                          of Araucania,                                                尋找那兇狠的黃金

sus uñas                                                       their greedy                                                  他們貪婪的

codiciosas                                                    fingers                                                          手指

fueron extermindas,                                     were killed,                                                   被截,

sus capitanes,                                               their captains,                                                他們的上校,

muertos,                                                       dead,                                                             死去,

pero cuando a las piedras de Castilla            but when they returned                                  但當他們重返

regresaron                                                    to the rocks of Castile                                    加士廸的亂石時

los pobres capitanes derrotados,           the poor defeated captains,                                     那些戰敗的可憐上校,

levantaron en las manos sangrientas   lifted in their bloody hands,                                     升起在他們血染之手中的

no una copa de oro                              not a cup of gold                                                   不是金杯

sino la papa                                          but the potato                                                         而是歌拉魯爾海旁的

de Chiloé marino.                                of maritime Chiloe .                                                 薯仔。


(To be continued)

