
2010年12月17日 星期五

Xu Zhimo's "In Vain" 除志摩的『枉然』

Some say Xu Zhimo is a great lover. Others say he is a great poet. Still others say that his romanaces are more fascinating than his poetry. But to me, Xu remains a typical member of his gender. Men are different from women. Men are hunters, not keepers. They hunt. They leave. Women like to keep their men. And there are good evolutionary reasons why they should be so. Hence often men leave behind them a trail of broken hearts. Nothing a woman does can keep them from following that which he must do: keep on hunting. That is written in his genes. That has been his instinct since the first man clubbed a woman and dragged her into his cave! The proof? Read.

                枉然                                                       In Vain

你枉然用手鎖着我的手,            In vain you lock your hands into mine,

女人,用口禽住我的口,             Woman, using your mouth to seal mine,

枉然用鮮血注入我的心,             In vain , you infuse blood into my heart,

火燙的淚珠見證你的真;              witnessing your truth with burning tears;

遲了!你再不能叫死的復活,      Too late! You can no longer ask what's dead to resurrect,

從灰土裏喚起原來的神奇;          To recall miracles from  ashes;

縱然上帝憐念你的過錯,             Though God may have mercy on your wrongs, 

他也不能拿愛再交給你!             He can't deliver love to you any more.


Women have three traditional weapons: their clinginess, their bodies, their tears. But to a love that is gone, they are of no avail against that heart which is determined to go. To Xu, not even God may help. When the magic is gone, it is gone forever, like the wind. This may be something that many women find difficult to understand or if they do, to accept with equanimity. Is he romantic? Is he a Don Juan? Is he a ladies killer? Is he a rascal? Is he  a feckless lover? Does he follow his head? Does he follow his heart? Is he a realist in love? Is he a bad poet? Is he a good poet?  Is he simply a man?

3 則留言:

  1.  今早 有太陽冇  咁凍啦
    [版主回覆12/17/2010 10:36:00]Yes it's cold. But there's a cloudless blue sky that seem to stretch to the end of the universe! I like it! Don't you?

  2. We need not delve too much into poets’ hearts. They are also fresh and blood, subject to the dictates of human vagaries as we all are. Only they are more overt, vocal and articulate in expressing their emotions. We ordinary people are just too gutless to speak up.
    [版主回覆12/18/2010 01:25:00]I don't think that ordinary people are necessarily too gutless to speak about their amorous adventures. It may well be that they are just too inarticulate to be able to say what they mean and mean what they say when they talk about such complex phenomena as emotions.

  3. when the magic is gone.....when the love is gone....
    man, just also like woman, cannot use his "weapons" to keep his woman in his hug !
    what is man's weapons....don't know....but no matter what it is, it is useless when love is gone.
    When love is gone, it's just like the wind, everybody (no matter it's man or woman)can't chase it, can't catch it, can't keep it.....
    [版主回覆12/18/2010 19:34:00]As I said before, we don't know when love will come. It may come at most inconvenient or impossible moments and it goes away the same way. A thought occurs, and we don't love the same person any more. It goes as it comes, without warning, without redress. We just got to accept it. Like time, when it's gone. It's gone forever.
