河(二) River (2)
風, The wind
在小樹林中摇响; Is rattling through the small wood;
浪花逸着, the foams are spilling over
西斜的日光; the sloping sunlight in the west;
即使那月色, Though the moonlight
冲淡了夏的威嚴, is washing away summer's seriousness,
細砂郤還帶着餘温在發燙。 the soft sand is still burning in the dying heat.
秋蟲低低地唱。 Insects of autumn are softly singing.
我和月, The moon and me
沉浮河中, are bobbing up and down the river,
它们是多好的伴侣, Such good companions,
在這清淡的夜中閃亮。 Shimmering in the lightness of the night.
河(三) River (3)
……村莊的暗影, ......the shadows of the village
漂在銀波上, Are floating upon the silvery waves
没關泉係, Doesn't matter,
暗中也有光明, There's light in the darkness still
看那螢火點亮了希望。 Look at those fireflies lighting up hope.
微波拍着,拍着…… The wavelets are lapping, lapping...
長滿绿苔的石子, Stones overgrown with green moss,
開始跳蕩,像是—— Starting to jump, like——
注入憧憬的眼睛, Eyes filled with images
吸飽光華的心臟。 A heart drunk with colorful lights.
波影消失在迷濛的遠方。 The shimmers of the waves are vanishing into the hazy distance.
滿天星斗, All stars in the sky,
都落在我的眼裏, Are falling into my eyes
都告訴我: All telling me:
道路, The path,
還有那樣長—— Is still so long——
顧城 1973年 濟南 Gu Cheng 1973 Tsinan (tr. El Zorro)
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/22/2012 23:47:21]Please see next post expressly done for your enjoyment.
You are a master of the English and Chinese languages!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/23/2012 07:11:55]Far from it. I'm still learning.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/24/2012 07:48:46]Thanks for your encouragement.