
2012年6月2日 星期六

Saturday Jokes

It's been a busy week. But I managed to take time off to see the Picasso's exhibition in Shatin. It's not something I'm likely to forget for a long while. Then I had to scan the internet to get photos of some of the paintings that I saw. And sure enough, I found more than what I bargained for. Picasso is one of a kind and totally inimitable. Perhaps he functions on a level different from that of the ordinary guy, except where the lower compartment is concerned. So it's not surprising to find jokes about him. Here's what I found.


After his wife divorced him, Joe asked his best friend, Bill, to fix him up with a blind date.

Bill obliged

The next day Joe called up Bill and shouted at him angrily: "Bill, what kind of a guy do you think I am. That girl you fixed me up with was cross-eyed; she was almost bald; her nose was long, thin and crooked; she had hair growing on her face; she was flat chested; and her ankles were as thick as her thighs".

Bill answered: "Either you like Picasso, or you don't like Picasso."


Pablo Picasso surprised a burglar at work in his new chateau.

The intruder got away, but Picasso told the police he could do a rough sketch of what he looked like.

On the basis of his drawing, the police arrested a mother superior, the minister of finance, a washing machine, and the Eiffel tower.


Pablo Picasso visited his local cabinetmaker to commission a mahogany wardrobe for his chateau.

To illustrate the shape and dimensions he required, he drew a hasty sketch on a sheet of paper and handed it to the craftsman.

 “How much will it cost?” he asked.

“Nothing at all,” replied the cabinetmaker. “Just sign the sketch.”

Have a nice weekend and ...if you got nothing better to do, make sure you make a trip to Shatin.

6 則留言:

  1. I am not sure where the exhibition hall is in Shatin but please don’t ask Picasso to draw me a map.
    Have a nice weekend!
    [版主回覆06/02/2012 12:06:43]You should go to the Shatin Railways station and walk back in the direction of Tai Wai. You can go there by the street between the two blocks of the New Town Plaza leading in that direction. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Like the first one most, funny excuse.
    [亞執回覆06/03/2012 09:45:28]
    [版主回覆06/03/2012 09:38:31]Both are right! That one is right doesn't necessarily mean the other is wrong. That's something a lot of the politicians in HK still need to learn.
    [亞執回覆06/03/2012 09:32:56]Bill also speaks the truth.
    [版主回覆06/02/2012 23:26:43]Excuse? His friend speaks the truth !

  3. Ha, I think base on the first joke, you can make up more and more.
    [版主回覆06/03/2012 09:37:13]Sure. Would you like to try doing another ?


  4. [版主回覆06/04/2012 13:20:42]Nothing much. You can probably do it much better. All it takes is just a little bit of time to surf the internet and a sense of humor.

  5. Hilarious jokes! Thanks for your timely sharing! Picasso definitely lived in a world different from most people's!
    [版主回覆06/04/2012 13:22:42]Thanks.
    Absolutely! He is blessed with a curious and creative mind and inexhaustible energy!

  6. If I am not that weak recently, I surely will pay the Exhibition Hall a visit.
    [版主回覆06/07/2012 22:32:17]It may well be worth your while. But health always comes first!
