弧線 Parabolas
鳥兒在疾風中 The bird changing direction
迅速轉向 in gusty winds
少年去檢拾 The youth
一枚分幣 picking up a penny
葡藤因幻想 The grapevine extending its tendrils
而延伸的觸絲 From imagination
海浪因退縮 The sea wave arching its back
而聳起的背脊 From withdrawal
顧城 1980 八月 Gu Cheng Aug 1980 (tr. El Zorro)
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/23/2012 00:08:28]Thank you for visiting. Have fun during the Dragon Boat Festival.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/23/2012 07:09:28]My pleasure.
Thank you for sharing!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/23/2012 07:10:37]Sharing is what's it's all about.
Great work - both Gu and you !
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/24/2012 07:49:06]Gu is great, not me.