霧起時 When the mist rose
霧起時 When the mist rose
我就在你的懷裏 I was still in your bosom
那林間充滿了那濕潤的芳香 The wood there brimming with perfumed dampness
充滿了 那不斷耍重現的 Brimming with endlessly resurfacing
少年時先 Teen days
霧散後卻已是一生 When the mist scattered, it's already a lifetime
山空 Hills empty
湖諍 Lake calm
只剩下那 Leaving behind
在千人萬人之中 What I'd never fail to tell
也絕不會錯認的 From a thousand ten thousand people
背影 The image of that back
席慕蓉 8.9. 1983 Xi Murong 8.9.1983 ( tr. by El Zorro)
Simple beauty that flows like the gentle murmur of a clear brook.
回覆刪除Good rendition!
[版主回覆06/22/2012 18:47:39]Thank you so much for your kind words.
[Peter回覆06/22/2012 18:17:36]You did it!
[版主回覆06/22/2012 18:15:45]Xi's poem is simple and her words flow. I just did my best not to ruin that simplicity, that flow.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/24/2012 07:48:08]Thanks.